Ready for anything - you should always have these foods in stock

Für alles bereit - diese Lebensmittel solltest du immer auf Vorrat haben

Sometimes you just don't have time to go shopping, but you still want to prepare food quickly? In the stress of everyday life, you may not always make it to the supermarket regularly or realize in the middle of cooking or baking that you are missing a certain ingredient.

It's not easy to always have all the food you need at home, especially if your fridge is always full or you simply don't have an overview of your pantry.

Storage - why it's worth stockpiling

Keeping your pantry well stocked and stocking up on emergency supplies can be very practical in many situations

If you're often in a hurry during the week and want to cook fresh food, you certainly don't have time to go shopping all the time if something is missing. If you have the most common groceries at home to cook something quickly, this can be a great help.

In addition, it can always happen that you are ill and simply can't make it to the supermarket or that guests drop by unexpectedly. Whatever your situation, there are supplies that should always be in the kitchen to avoid unnecessary stress.

Specific storage of certain foods also helps you to keep track of your supplies at all times. This means you don't have to keep throwing away food that has gone off and can make more targeted purchases that actually go off.

You can find out how to store your provisions correctly so that they keep for a long time here. (Link article: Stockpiling - how to store food properly)

Food that you should always have in stock

Which foods should always be in your fridge or larder depends entirely on your preferences and the space available in your home


However, there are some foods that probably every household uses and are therefore indispensable, which you can find an overview of here.

Flour and sugar

Whether you like baking or not, ingredients such as flour and sugar are always needed. Whether it's for homemade pizza dough, thickening sauces or a sponge cake, you should always have large quantities of these supplies at home.


Rice and pasta

If you want to quickly prepare lunch for the next day, rice and pasta are often the basis for a quick dish. They keep for a very long time and can be really handy when you're short on time


Pulses include foods such as peas, lentils, chickpeas and soybeans. These are not necessarily part of everyone's diet, but their protein content makes them a good basis for quick dishes, especially for vegan or vegetarian diets.


If you are still setting up your kitchen, there are definitely some spices that you should buy for everyday use. In addition to salt and pepper, these include rosemary, paprika, curry and cinnamon, so it all depends on your personal taste.

Vinegar & oil

Whether for salad dressing or sautéing vegetables, vinegar and oil are just as important as spices, as they are part of almost every dish.


As very few people always have fresh herbs to hand, it can't hurt to keep a small stock of certain herbs. You can store chives or parsley in the freezer for example.

Potatoes, onions and carrots

In addition to staples such as pasta or rice, onions, potatoes and carrots should also be part of your pantry. These are great in almost any dish and can be stored in boxes in a dark, dry room.

Oat flakes

In addition to flour, sugar or bread, rolled oats are a good base for a nutritious breakfast or for thickening sauces.


Canned tomatoes

If you like to make pasta, lasagne, pizza or chili con carne, canned tomatoes definitely make sense. You can quickly make a tomato sauce without too much effort


Plant-based or long-life milk

If you like to drink coffee, bake cakes or eat muesli, you should definitely keep UHT milk in your pantry. If eggs are often part of your cakes or you like to eat scrambled eggs, it's also worth making these part of your stash

TK vegetables

To make sure you have the right ingredients for your rice or pasta dish, it's always worth keeping some frozen vegetables in the vegetable drawer of your freezer.

Fresh vegetables

In addition to frozen vegetables, it is certainly an advantage to have fresh vegetables such as tomatoes or cucumbers at home so that you can quickly make yourself a salad.

Basically, you should think about which dishes you like best and what goes off the quickest so that you can build up a basic stock of these foods.

You can find out here how to keep an overview and take a targeted approach to stockpiling. (Link article: Stockpiling made easy - our tips for a better overview)

Your stockpiling should be well thought out so that you don't constantly have to dispose of unnecessary supplies and your stockpiling doesn't degenerate into food waste.

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