Stockpiling - why it's worth transferring food to storage containers

Vorratshaltung - darum lohnt sich das Umfüllen von Lebensmitteln in Vorratsdosen

You probably know the situation - your cupboards are full of all kinds of food and packaging, it's barely possible to stack packages on top of each other, let alone get them out quickly.

Clearing out the clutter in the kitchen and transferring the stock into practical containers is a lot of work and looks like a big undertaking.

However, once you've tidied up your kitchen, it's much easier to keep it tidy and replenish supplies regularly.

In this article, you can find out why it's worth reorganizing food and our tips for keeping food storage tidy.

Repackaging food - why it's worth it

You've probably seen those well-stocked kitchen shelves with the beautifully labeled storage containers on Pinterest. But the reality is often different and transferring food into glass storage containers is often seen as unnecessary.
Apart from the beauty aspect, however, there are a few points that speak in favor of decanting food.

More space-saving organization

Depending on the size of your kitchen, you don't have unlimited space available. So it's important to make the most of the space in your cupboards and shelves.
If you take a look in your kitchen cupboard, you'll see that it's simply impossible to stack most food packaging on top of each other.

If you try to put all this different packaging on a shelf, the result is usually chaos and the packaging falls towards you when you want to take something out.

It is therefore worth transferring some of the supplies into containers of the same size, which can be stacked easily or take up little space due to their narrow shape.

Keep an overview

It is so important to keep track of all your products, especially when it comes to stockpiling. After all, you don't want your food stockpile to simply be forgotten and high-quality food to be thrown away.

It can therefore be really practical to remove the original packaging and transfer your supplies into clear glass storage jars.

This allows you to see at a glance what you still need, what needs to be replenished and which of your supplies should be used up as soon as possible.


Not only will you avoid unnecessary purchases, but you will also create a system in your stockpiling that will make everyday life at home so much easier.

Longer shelf life

Who hasn't experienced this - many packages can no longer be closed properly and products dry out or become completely soft. As a result, your food quickly becomes not only inedible, but could also be infested by mealworms and moths.

It can be very practical to have various glass storage jars that can be sealed airtight and protect your food from environmental influences.

Easier to use

When baking in particular, it can be very practical to simply tip or spoon out the ingredients from glass jars. As many packs tear quickly or cannot be resealed, a container is often indispensable

If you are considering getting storage jars to make your stockpiling easier, here are some tips you should bear in mind.

What you should bear in mind when storing food - our tips

With so many different storage containers to choose from, it's not easy to make the right choice. Whether it's storage jars with a hanger holder, storage jars with a wooden lid, square or round - there are many variants, all of which have their advantages and disadvantages.

Transparent containers

In the end, it's all about what's most practical for your household. However, there are some aspects that could be quite useful.
For example, transparent glass storage jars are really practical, as you can see at a glance when your stock has run out and you should buy more.

Your storage jars should also be airtight, regardless of the lid. Most food needs to be protected from moisture so that it stays fresh and doesn't spoil.

The right size

In fact, it is not that easy to find the right size for storage containers. It usually depends on the space in your kitchen and your needs. Think about where you want to store your supplies - is it drawers or shelves, what are the dimensions and can they be stacked easily?

If you have lots of different drawers, for example, it can be practical to stack different food storage containers on top of each other. These are particularly practical if you want to quickly store leftovers or pre-cooked food in the fridge.
However, if it is important for you to be able to take your food out quickly, you might prefer to invest in storage jars.

These can't always be stacked, but they save space on your shelf and you can always keep an overview.

In general, it is always a good idea to use a mixture of different storage containers. This way, you can stack ingredients that you use less often and also store them in a space-saving way.

Find out what is important when storing food correctly here. (Link to article)

It also depends on how often you use certain foods at home and what you like to cook. For example, if you like to bake or drink coffee, you should invest in larger storage jars.

Restructuring your pantry and keeping your food more organized can actually be a great help in your everyday life.

If you store your supplies in a more space-saving way, you have much more room for stocking up on drinks, for example, and can plan your shopping more sensibly.

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