Losing weight with Meal Prep - nutrition made easy

Abnehmen mit Meal Prep - Ernährung leicht gemacht

You're probably familiar with this: you're trying to eat healthily, maybe you want to lose some weight and yet you get hungry on the go and reach for snacks, the food in the canteen or your favorite dish from the fast food restaurant next door.

This may all be nice from time to time, but in the long term, your body is not supplied with the vitamins it needs and you no longer pay attention to your intuitive feeling of hunger.

Taking control of your diet, eating a balanced meal every day without having to spend the whole evening pre-cooking. For most people, this seems like an unattainable dream.

In fact, planning meals and preparing dishes is easier than you think and can be achieved with a little practice and time management.

Our tips for more control over your diet

If you want to eat healthier or lose some weight, it's not that easy at work or at university.

Often you simply don't have the time to prepare meals and maybe you lack the motivation or energy to stand in the kitchen every evening and cook for the next day.

Find out how to keep your diet under control and keep track of your calorie or nutrient intake in everyday life in our tips.

Prepare individual ingredients in advance

Whether you're on a low-carb diet, want to lose weight or are looking for balanced meals. If you don't have time to prepare a complete meal during the week and don't want to be in the kitchen on your days off but want to stay flexible, you can prepare individual foods in your spare minutes.

For example, you can pre-chop vegetables or fruit and store them in the microwave in food storage containers for the next few days. Alternatively, food that has already been prepared, such as shakes, purees or vegetables, can also be frozen in the freezer.

This not only saves you a lot of time for the coming week thanks to the steps you have already completed, but also allows you to keep track of your nutrition plan and you can plan your weekly plans or food stocks well.

Use lots of vegetables

For a balanced diet, good preparation such as creating meal prep recipes or a meal plan is essential. You don't have to plan your lunch for the whole week or 5 days, it's enough to create a meal prep plan or a concept for the next few days.

If you want to keep control of your diet or lose weight, you should definitely consider which foods are particularly suitable for your diet when meal prepping.

vegetables-use lots of vegetables

Simple recipes such as vegetable stir-fries, which do not contain all carbohydrates, are particularly practical. Lean meat or fish is often used for such dishes and dairy products such as feta cheese, skyr, low-fat quark or nuts are popular supplements.

When planning, you should find out what foods are for and how you can best use them for your needs. You're sure to find plenty of inspiration with suitable recipes online.

Include snacks in your plan

Your goal is to gain more control over your diet and not constantly snack in between meals?

Even if you want to lose weight or go without food when you're not hungry, snacks don't have to be cut out completely. For example, if you have a job that requires your full concentration or makes you tired quickly, it is important to provide your body with the necessary energy.

For example, if you suffer from fatigue every day and fall into an afternoon slump, you can consider a few snacks in addition to coffee that act as natural wake-up foods. These include foods such as ginger, avocado, bananas, apples, nuts or dark chocolate.

You can include these in your breakfast, for example, and start your day with a balanced meal.

Watch your diet

If you are still trying to find out what diet is right for you and what your body actually needs, you can simply try out different recipes for yourself


You are sure to find that some of them are very easy to prepare at home, but may not fill you up properly or provide you with the necessary nutrients.

Instead of cooking more every time, it's definitely worth observing what fills you up throughout the day and how much of which ingredient you need or which recipe you like best.

This will help you avoid overeating certain meals, as you won't be able to scoop more and will continue to provide your body with a sufficient portion.

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