Organizing the pantry - how to finally get your kitchen in order

Den Vorratsschrank organisieren - so bringst du endlich Ordnung in deine Küche

Somehow you never have the right thing at home and are constantly buying the wrong thing, only to realize later that you already have it in the cupboard or have to go back to the store.

You're definitely not alone with this problem. It happens so often that we buy food and end up having to throw it away because it spoils and somehow gets lost in the abundance on the shelves.

What can you do about it? Get your pantry in order.

You've probably thought about this many times, but then never tackled it because organizing your pantry simply involves so much effort and you simply don't have the time to do it alongside the stress of everyday life.

But why you should definitely tackle this, the best way to go about sorting and keep your pantry tidy is explained below.

Kitchen organization - why you should definitely tackle it

Managing a stressful everyday life with family, work and leisure can be a real challenge. It's not easy to remember everything and keep track of everything if you don't have a system in place

Planning meals, shopping, cooking and tidying up takes up so much time every time. If you don't have a system in the kitchen, it's not uncommon to constantly have to throw away food, forget something important and somehow have no variety in your menu.

An organization system in your kitchen can help you save a lot of time and hassle. Imagine your daily groceries are always ready and you never have to search for them, and you can see at a glance what you have at home or need to buy more of.

If you think about a well thought-out system for your pantry, you can simplify your everyday life and save a lot of space and valuable time.

In 5 steps to an organized pantry - our tips

You finally want to get a better overview of your pantry, but don't know where to start

The following guide will show you the best way to get organized

Clear out everything

Before you start thinking about an organization system, you should first clear out your cupboards and see what you have and how much space you actually have.


Sounds like a lot of work and chaos? Unfortunately it is, but you can't avoid this step. Put all the food in front of you and get an overview of what's in your cupboards


Sort out expired food

Then it's time to sort out any food that has already gone off. Note that not all food that has already passed its best-before date is necessarily bad

If there is food that you bought without thinking and that you really don't want to eat, you can perhaps give it away.

Once you've sorted out everything you don't need, you can start cleaning out the cans or shelves.

Consider an organization system

The goal of organized pantries is to save you time and effort in the future.
You should therefore think in advance about which foods you use frequently or use every day.

create vegetable organizer

You should definitely think about a fixed place for these foods so that you can find them immediately and always know how much is left or what needs to be bought again.

Foods such as pasta, rice, flour, sugar, coffee, onions, etc. belong in the kitchen cupboards,

If there are foods that you use particularly often, they should always be within easy reach when cooking. This particularly applies to spices or cooking utensils that you need to use while preparing food.

Restock supplies

For some foods, it can be really worthwhile to transfer them to storage jars. Not only are they easier to handle when cooking, they often save space and your supplies don't spoil as quickly.

It is worth transferring supplies such as different types of sugar or flour, rice, oatmeal, muesli, snacks, pasta or coffee into storage jars. This keeps them safe from environmental influences and prevents them from breaking or dirtying your larder so quickly.

How to store your larder correctly

Once you have thought about a storage system and prepared everything accordingly, you can start putting away your larder

It can be useful to label the cans or storage cupboards so that you and your partner or family can always keep track of things.

Do not overfill your larder, but only fill it to the extent that you can still keep an overview and easily remove the containers from the shelf.

When storing newly purchased products, you should also make sure that you put them further back on the shelf so that you only use them after older foods.

Once you have made an overview of your supplies and organized them accordingly, preparing a varied meal plan is much easier.
You can plan your shopping in a targeted way and your pantry will no longer be cluttered, but well organized.

Organizing your pantry is a lot of work at first, but afterwards you'll save a lot of time and won't have to throw food away as often.

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