Storing spices: this is how you should store coffee, tea and spices


Spices are needed almost every day and yet they sometimes remain on the shelf for a very long time. Although there is a best-before date for the products, they are usually still in good condition long after this date and do not lose their flavor.

If you want to continue to enjoy your coffee and pay close attention to the quality of your products, you will certainly take very good care of them.

Since high-quality spices and coffee can be quite expensive and may be in the kitchen for a long time, it is important to store them properly if you don't want to keep buying new ones.

The following tips will show you exactly how to set up your spice rack and what you should pay attention to when storing it so that the aromas don't get lost.

Storing sensitive supplies correctly - here's how

Spices, tea and coffee - these three dry foods have a few things in common and are extremely sensitive, which is why there are a few things to consider when storing them correctly

What you should know

In most cases, provisions are simply put on the shelf in their packaging without giving any further thought to how to store them correctly.

Different factors play a role here and external influences can be very damaging to the aromas, which is why coffee beans or spices need special protection.

Protect your supplies from light

Coffee powder or the bright color of spices may look very nice in glass containers, but this does not necessarily protect the products.

If you store jars of spices on an open shelf, the incidence of light can be very damaging to the quality of the supplies, as vitamins and flavor are broken down. So if you really want to store your coffee beans or spices in a stylish spice jar with a wooden lid, they should definitely be stored in a drawer or on a closed shelf.

Storage with protection from moisture

If spices or coffee come into contact with moisture, they not only lose their flavor, but also start to clump or form mold.

Supplies should therefore never be stored in the fridge or right next to the kettle.

Airtightly sealed

In principle, the basis of tea, coffee and spice storage is an airtight storage place where they are completely undisturbed by any environmental influences.

If the supplies come into contact with oxygen, they absorb aromas from the environment and the taste is altered.

Where should the supplies be stored


In general, spice jars can be stored anywhere in the kitchen as long as you can reach them easily when cooking and they are protected.

Storage on the shelf

Open shelves are usually very attractive, but storage jars are not always suitable for storage as they cannot be protected from light.

On the other hand, your supplies are quickly accessible and you can sort the most frequently used spices to make preparation much easier. In any case, you should make sure to use storage jars that are not translucent and protect salt or herbs from heat.

Spice cabinet - why it's so practical

Ideally, you should store your coffee tin and spice jars in a closed cupboard or drawer. There you can easily store the spices and beans in a storage jar without losing the aroma and without having to worry about light or heat

Since plastic is not always food-safe and the material often absorbs the color or smell of the food, you cannot use these containers for every food.

It is therefore worth storing your provisions in jars of different sizes, as this allows you to make ideal use of the space in the drawers and still protect the food.

Storing spices on mounted shelves can be very practical, allowing you to see all your spice jars at a glance.


There are a few things to consider when storing spices and various factors play a role. However, your coffee beans or other supplies are always in good hands in a drawer or closed shelf and you don't have to worry too much about losing the aroma. This means you always have your favorite spice to hand and can cook your food in peace.

If you love coffee and enjoy roasting fresh beans for your favorite drink, you should definitely set up a cupboard for drinks.
You can store different types of tea, the necessary utensils, your coffee grinder and tins in one place so that they are always to hand.

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