Meal prep - what is it and why is it worthwhile?

Meal Prep - was ist das eigentlich und warum lohnt es sich?

Are you in the office or at university every day and simply don't have the time to cook fresh food every day? Standing in the kitchen again after a long day and pre-cooking lunch for the next day is not only time-consuming in the long run, but can also be quite frustrating.

Eating in the canteen all the time or eating fast food from nearby restaurants is not only expensive in the long term, but you also give up complete control over your diet.

Why this is not absolutely necessary and why meal prepping can be worthwhile for you, you can find out here.

What is Meal Prep actually?

I'm sure you've come across the term meal prep a lot in the last few months.
The English word 'meal prep' simply means 'preparing food'. Meals are planned and prepared several days in advance so that you have more time for the things that are important to you on stressful days.

In any case, the principle of meal prepping is not new; busy employees have been doing this for many years and simply preparing their meals for the following week when they have time.

Most people draw up a weekly meal prep plan, do their shopping and then start pre-cooking meals for the next few days. To keep the meals fresh, they are usually frozen or stored in lunch boxes in the fridge.

Less stress during the week - that's why it's worth it

If you pre-cook whole meals for the week, simply pack them in the morning and, if possible, heat them up at work.

Find out how meal prepping makes your everyday life easier here

Meal prep saves time and money

Cooking your own meals is definitely cheaper than constantly picking up food from fast food chains or a local restaurant

If you plan your meals a few days in advance, you can take your time to write your shopping list and buy the products you need for your meals next week. This will help you to shop more consciously and meal preparation for several days is also much cheaper and less time-consuming.

You can do all the meal prep work in one go and have much more time after work.

Shopping basket for the weekly shop

Keep control of your diet

If your health is important to you and you value a balanced diet, Meal Prep gives you the security of always knowing what you are eating.

You no longer have to worry about whether the casserole is really vegetarian, whether it contains gluten or where you can get vegan dishes every day. If you avoid certain ingredients, you can easily take this into account when choosing your meal prep recipes and have a meal that you can eat with a clear conscience.

If you eat out in restaurants regularly, you will know how difficult it can be to eat only as much as you actually want.

Most of the time there is simply more on your plate than you can actually manage or you are constantly tempted to take another portion. With Meal Prep, you think about how big your portions should be during preparation and can pre-cook your dishes accordingly.

A varied diet

If you prepare your meals for several days, you don't have to eat the same thing every day. Instead, you can think about combinations that make your meal as varied as possible and contain the necessary nutritional values.

Meal prep - these meals are suitable for this

Whether for breakfast, lunch or as a snack between meals, almost all dishes are suitable for Meal Prep, so there are no limits to the choice of Meal Prep recipes.

It all depends on whether you have the option of reheating or baking your meal on the go or in the office and what makes you feel full.

If you like to eat warm and can reheat your lunch in between meals, quick dishes such as casseroles, pasta, rice dishes, stews or vegetable stir-fries are suitable.

If you just need a quick snack in between meals or can't heat up your food, wraps, sandwiches, vegetable bowls or salads are ideal.

If you're not just planning your lunch, but cooking for your whole family, it can be really handy if you can plan all your meals in advance. This way, you don't have to prepare a lunchbox for your child or partner every morning, but can do it all at once for the whole week or just a few meals.

Meal prepping is therefore not a method that restricts you in any way or causes inconvenience. Rather, you can decide for yourself when it makes sense to cook ahead and what your weekly plans should look like.

If you don't have any meal prep ideas, you can find lots of tips and interesting recipes on the internet that will make weekly planning a lot more fun!

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Das Mittagessen vorkochen - unsere Tipps zu einer entspannten Meal Prep Planung
Das Mittagessen vorkochen - unsere Tipps zu einer entspannten Meal Prep Planung