
vorratsgläser-mit holzdeckel

Storage jar with wooden lid - how cleaning and care works

If you've been using your storage jars for a while, at some point it's time to clean them to remove food residue or prevent moths from forming. How you can gently clean your storage jars and what i...

Vorratshaltung - so findest du die richtigen Vorratsgläser für deine Lebensmittel

Stockpiling - how to find the right storage jars for your food

If you are still filling your pantry or kitchen shelves or want to finally get things in order, you should think about suitable storage options. You can find out which factors are important when ma...


Storing spices: this is how you should store coffee, tea and spices

Since high-quality spices and coffee can be quite expensive and may be in the kitchen for a long time, it is important to store them properly if you don't want to keep buying new ones. The followin...

Den Vorratsschrank organisieren - so bringst du endlich Ordnung in deine Küche

Organizing the pantry - how to finally get your kitchen in order

Somehow you never have the right things at home and are constantly buying the wrong things, only to realize later that you already have them in the cupboard or have to go to the store again. Read o...

Lebensmittelverschwendung vermeiden - das kannst du dagegen tun

Avoid food waste - what you can do about it

Food waste probably seems like a huge problem that is caused by various factors and is virtually unsolvable.However, there are some measures you can take to reduce food waste that you can easily im...


Stockpiling - how to store food correctly

In the fridge or at room temperature, in the pantry or on kitchen shelves - storing food correctly is not that easy, as there are countless factors to consider. How to store your supplies correctly...