
Meal Prep Planung für Anfänger - so gelingt es auch dir

Meal prep planning for beginners - how you can do it too

Meal prepping has been a big food trend for some time now and makes meal planning for several days easier. Find out the best way to go about meal prepping and create stress-free weekly plans for ev...

Für alles bereit - diese Lebensmittel solltest du immer auf Vorrat haben

Ready for anything - you should always have these foods in stock

Having all the necessary food at home at all times is not easy, especially if your fridge is always full or you simply don't have an overview of your pantry.

Borosilikatglas - diese Vorteile solltest du kennen

Borosilicate glass - you should know these advantages

A big trend in household glassware is borosilicate glass, which is often used for glass containers. In this blog, you can find out some facts about borosilicate glass and why it is used so often.

Die richtige Brotdose finden - das solltest du wissen

Finding the right lunch box - what you need to know

Whether as a breakfast box, lunch box for adults or lunch box for the next day - meal prepping is more trendy than ever and is incredibly practical in everyday life. If you travel a lot and can't m...

Das Mittagessen vorkochen - unsere Tipps zu einer entspannten Meal Prep Planung

Pre-cooking lunch - our tips for relaxed meal prep planning

Isn't pre-cooking much more time-consuming and complicated? Aren't weekly meal prep plans impractical and no longer allow for flexibility? In addition to work, university or family, finding time fo...

Meal Prep - was ist das eigentlich und warum lohnt es sich?

Meal prep - what is it and why is it worthwhile?

After a long day, standing in the kitchen again and pre-cooking lunch for the next day is not only time-consuming in the long run, but can also be quite frustrating. Eating in the canteen all the t...